Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Week 4 So Far...

I can't believe I'm already into my fourth week. I'm really pleased, and I think keeping daily tabs on my progress (not least through this blog) is really helping to keep me motivated and makes sure I stay on track.

After my struggle to maintain a downward curve last week, the weight seems to be shifting again, and that's a good sign. I'm still weighing every day, and I think that has helped me come to terms with the occasional fluctuations up and down that before might have made me give up.

I don't know if I have mentioned it on this blog yet, but I'm a medical student, and the scenario of study this week is diet and obesity. It is proving to be quite interesting and informative, and actually has come at a really useful time for me, after the initial rapid weight loss of the first few weeks, when I'm starting to look carefully at the best balance of exercise and nutrition. I'll post a few tidbits from my lectures in some upcoming posts - give you the medical side of things rather than just what the diet gurus want you to believe!

And speaking of exercise, I have started up in a small way again. I've never done any kind of weight training, and can't really afford a gym membership on a student loan, so I've started doing some basic exercises in my room (with some free weights and a power bow - that's about all I have space for too!). It's effect has been mainly mental so far, and I'm pleased to say that I actually enjoy rather than dread it!

I won't be posting for a few days, as I have a family gathering this weekend. In the past this has been an excuse for me to binge, so I'm going to be very careful this time. There will be plenty of food and alcohol around, but I'm determined to stay on track, even if it does draw some awkward questions (I'm still a bit too embarrassed to admit to them I'm trying to lose weight - I'm hoping someone will spontaneously notice but we'll see!).

And that draws me the main reason for this post. As I head off on Friday evening, I have decided to go for a run on Friday morning. Well, I say 'decided' - the idea came, and I started trying to come up with reasons why it was wasn't practical. So I have posted it here, to make sure that someone else knows I'm doing it - that way I'll feel I have to! Fingers crossed it gives me a good head start over the weekend, and that my weekly report on Monday is a good one. No, scratch that - it WILL be a good one!

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