Monday, March 14, 2011

Week 3 - RESULTS

So, lets see if after all my ups and downs this week, I managed to lose or gain!

STARTING WEIGHT:   281.0 lbs

ENDING WEIGHT:  280.9 lbs

WEIGHT LOSS:  0.1 lbs

I know this seems like a 'cheat' result, but it's what the scales said (I even moved them and tried it in another spot, just to be sure). After my problems keeping a downward trend in my weight this week, I honestly didn't expect to see any loss at all, and told myself that as long as my weight went down, I would be happy, and wouldn't care how small. Well, evidently someone heard my prayers, but did rather take me at my word!

And I can see the good side of this result. I have recorded my third successive weekly loss, however small. Also, given how quickly the weight dropped off in the first two weeks, I knew that some of it must have just been water weight, and could potentially just go right back on. So I see this tiny drop as in effect 'stabilising' the weight loss of the previous two weeks. A gain would have really dented my morale, but this loss, however small, keeps me going.

I have to start questioning now though if it is time to start exercising. I told myself I would just diet to start with, to try and get my system into the 'losing weight' mode. I also wanted to make sure that my calorie intake was controlled and managable, as I didn't want to start running everyday and then see no change, because I was still eating far too much. I said that once my weight loss by dieting alone slowed or plateaued, I would start exercising again. I'll give it another couple of weeks to see how my weight loss over that fortnight trends out, but I might begin some light cardio, so it's not a complete shock to the system when my exercise begins in earnest.

Before I post up my pictures from last week, I just wanted to quickly make an amendment to a previous post I made, in Barriers To Weight Loss: Excuse 1. In that post I said that an occasional treat to reward good behaviour was a good idea, and I still stand by that. But I talked about using food as that reward, and although I think having something naughty now and then is ok, I no longer think it wise to start using food (the thing we're trying to cut back on) as any kind of 'reward' or 'prize'. I have to thank Emily Lieser over at Blog To Lose for making me realise this, and in return, please check out her own progress here!

Anyway, its now time for my usual tally and pics, so here we go!

16.2 lbs

280.9 lbs

280.9 lbs

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