Sunday, May 15, 2011

Week 12 So Far...

Just a quick one today, as I have my first exam tomorrow, and its the one I'm least confident about, so I'll likely be cramming into the wee small hours!

It's been an unusual week weight-wise, where nothing seems to happen the way it should. I am currently at a small loss for the week, but once again, my weight went up at the start of the week, this time without any treat-eating assistance from me. I also recorded my first ever daily status quo - my weight literally did not change even 0.1 lbs!

Something else that bothered me - on the days when I went for a run, my weight went up the following morning, whereas on my 'rest days', I seemed to lose weight. I'm not really sure what to make of it.

Of course, having lost over 8lbs in the previous two weeks, I knew that my body would need to take time to adjust, so perhaps its just that. Either way, I can't take the time out to run tonight, so I'll have to take whatever result tomorrow throws at me - hopefully it'll be an OK one. Would hate to hit a wall when I'm within touching distance of the half-way point!

Anyhow, back to books for me. Wish me luck!

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