Sunday, May 22, 2011

Week 13 So Far...

Week 13 - unlucky for me?

I certainly hope not! Last week was a smaller loss than normal (but still great!), so I was worried that a) it was a sign of my weight loss starting to slow down, and b) an indication that sitting at my desk revising all day was affecting how many calories I've been burning.

But so far, things have been pretty good. I've made sure to go out on my run every other day, to give some boost to my metabolism. I've also paid closer attention to what I eat - as I'm busy revising, its easy to make excuses. "No time to cook, will have to order in" is not a phrase I will allow myself to utter this year! I'm also guilty of hitting the Red Bulls quite hard this week, but I have at least managed to stick to the sugar-free ones...

As I've mentioned already, yesterday was the 3-month mark for this weight-loss attempt, so tomorrow's weigh-in will once again include the 'before' photos, so we can see my progress. I have also now spent 3 weeks in the 250s, so to maintain my pattern of no more than 21 days in each 10-lb bracket, I have to get into the 240s at tomorrow's weigh-in. AND, if I make it into the 240s, I'll only be a hair's breadth away from the 50% marker...

Quite a few targets to hit - I wonder how many of them I will achieve by Monday? Well, I guess I'll know in about 12 hours!

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