Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fraternal Nuptials Imminent!

Greetings folks,

Just a quick one to let you know that I'm off for a few days now, as my little brother is getting married tomorrow! Strange to have it so close - when I started losing weight back in February it seemed so far away, and has always been a target to aim for, a date by which I wanted to lose as much weight as possible. And now its here!

The weight has been coming off again this week, which is good. I'll still be with my folks on Monday so don't know yet if I'll be able to do a weigh-in, but I don't really want another 2 week hiatus before my next weigh, so not sure what I will do. Maybe I'll have a weigh-in on Wednesday or Thursday when I get back, and then a mini 4-day week after that. When I weigh in on September 12th, it will be the end of my summer break, and so the end of my broken, delayed weigh-ins...I'll be back to regular posting again! AND I'll be starting my next year of university. AND, I'll be commencing my second big push to finally win the Battle of the Bulge...